Comments about stuff I read

This blog will be used to write notes about comics I read. I hope you find it fun and/or useful. Comments are welcome.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Superman: Return of Doomsday

No. Just no. This is a terrible book. If you have no idea of who doomsday is (he killed Superman long ago) and that the Superman you see today was killed and resurrected, you will read a book where a monster defeats and kidnaps super heroes almost haphazardly. If you know who doomsday is, you will read a book where a monster defeats and kidnaps the super heroes that carried the legacy while superman was dead. No idea why. Maybe I'll change my mind if I actually decide to pick up the follow up to this, which is not likely. DC should probably have held off from splitting this into two paperbacks and publish just the complete story. In the meantime don't waste your time. Go read something else. Even the art is uneven.
Story: 1
Art: 2.5
Overall: 1.75

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