Comments about stuff I read

This blog will be used to write notes about comics I read. I hope you find it fun and/or useful. Comments are welcome.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


This is a story about a group of "beings" with human aspect that go about saving the few elected human from the end of the world. They take the electeds to paradise, or a paradise. Once the final elected is in paradise (or maybe because the final elected is in paradise) the world will end. The collectors betray each other, fall in love, have doubts about themselves and their jobs, and every other cliche you can come up with. The writing is terrible. The story is as derivative as they get. The art is inhomogeneous in a bad way, although I like many of the artists contributing. Furthermore, it is often detrimental for the understanding of the story, as one page is followed by another without any relationship to it. Avoid.

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