Comments about stuff I read

This blog will be used to write notes about comics I read. I hope you find it fun and/or useful. Comments are welcome.

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

A Red Mass For Mars [Paperback]

A Red Mass for Mars collects the comic book miniseries with the same name, from Image Comics. It is a story about how the world ended, then got better and is now about to end again. It ended as we might expect it to end tomorrow if we look at world politics today, although there is a twist to it. It got better thanks to "a few good and powerful men", some of which turned out either to be too powerful or not to be so good. These men split and went into different states of isolation. The second ending is now coming and those who are left need to band together again to avoid the end and/or rebuild. I liked the story quite a lot. Lots of shades of grey and preciously few black and whites. Johnathan Hickman does another superb job writing and Ryan Bodenheim drawing are perfect for the tale. Go read it.
Story: 4.5
Art: 4.5
Overall: 4.5

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